SSC Stata Package List

Archive of user-written Stata packages

| Quick Tips |    
| Introduction |    
| Searching SSC |    
| List of SSC Stata packages |    

Quick Tips

This archive includes the complete list of SSC Stata packages with a brief description as well as some other packages which are not on SSC server, allowing to search for keywords in the packages. This archive has been created for education purpose, particularly for those who wish to find or study interesting packages and is not meant to be a package installer. This archive does not include the help files and should not be used for installing any packag.


My main argument is that user-written Stata packages are the source of learning Stata programming. But how to get started? How can we find packages that of our interest? For example, if you are trying to write a package that offers a new type of graph, it is very reasonable that you begin with packages that are graphical-oriented, offering new types of graphs. Reading such packages help you to be much more efficient in developing your graph.

Finding user-written Stata packages that are close to your interest or close to the packages that you wish to develop is as important of doing a literature search when you are about to initiate a new research or write a new journal article. Luckily, there are some ways for finding a sort of programs that might be closer to your interest. ssc describe followed by an alphabetic article, will describe all the packages that begin with that letter. more over, typing ssc describe followed by the package name, prints a complete description of the package. Still, You need to have a complete list of packages to search for the keywords of interests.

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At the time of writing this article, there have been 2039 packages published on SSC server and for sure, many more packages on other servers. I am printing the list of available packages for Stata on SSC server to point out that there is a huge community of Stata programmers and their programms are excellent source for practicing programming. The archive also includes Stata packages that are not hosted on SSC server. These packages are shown in orange color to be distinguished from SSC packages.

● This archive receives monthly update at the end of each month, based on the latest updates on SSC server.

List of Stata packages

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